Bristol Temple Quarter Spatial Framework
We are consulting on the Temple Quarter Spatial Framework. This sets out how the Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone could become a thriving new city quarter over the next 25 years. The Spatial Framework is an important planning tool to guide and shape future development in the area. It seeks to deliver quality places for people through good planning and design that reflect our distinctiveness, entrepreneurship, culture and Green Capital status.
We are also consulting upon two companion documents:
- The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), a strategic transport plan focussing on how a combination of infrastructure, policy and behavioural change measures will encourage sustainable travel to, and within, the zone;
- The Public Realm Guide, which sets out the council's expectations for the design of people-friendly streets and spaces in the zone.
Why your views matter
The Spatial Framework describes a generational opportunity to shape a new city quarter which will be of interest to multiple audiences including existing residents and businesses; commuters; neighbouring communities; and future occupiers, investors, and visitors. The consultation provides these audiences with an opportunity to shape the spatial vision for the area. Following consultation, the feedback will be reviewed and where necessary, the document will be updated. The intention will then be for the document to be formally adopted by the Council by the Autumn 2016, thus enabling it to be used as a material consideration in determining planning applications in the area.
It should be noted that the Spatial Framework will be a flexible and living document that is periodically refreshed to encapsulate emerging thinking and design development. As such, there will also be other opportunities down the line to be consulted on different aspects of the framework.
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