Live Environment Customers
Department of Environment, Climate and Communications (Ireland)
As part of Climate Conversation 2021, the Department engaged with over 3,800 people, held workshops with Public Participation Networks (PPNs), talked to various stakeholders, and to young people (through Comhairle na nÓg groups). To engage, enable and empower everyone in society to help co-design the annual Climate Action Plan, the Government of Ireland established the National Dialogue on Climate Action (NDCA). The NDCA has 3 main aims: to improve climate literacy and an...
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (UK)
To see some ideas from abroad, have a look at the DEFRA hub. DEFRA is responsible for improving and protecting the environment. Their priorities are growing a green economy, sustaining thriving rural communities and supporting food, farming and fishing industries.
Environment Agency, UK
The UK's Environment Agency (EA) is a large non-departmental public body (NDPB) with responsibility for protecting and enhancing England's natural environment. With more than 11,000 staff and care of some 13 million hectares of land, it is a substantial and complex operation. One of the EA's most vital and frequently-used services is its control of environmental permits and licensing. Whenever an individual citizen, private company or public body wishes to take an action that could...
Environmental Protection Authority (Western Australia)
The Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia (WA EPA) is an independent statutory authority, providing advice to the Minister for Environment of the 2.6million km² state. One vital area of the EPA's advice-giving is on 'the environmental acceptability of development proposals and statutory planning schemes'. Whenever a new development such as a port, railway or pipeline, is likely to have 'a significant environmental effect', it should be referred to the EPA for...
Ministry for the Environment (New Zealand)
The Ministry for the Environment (NZ) is the Government’s primary adviser on environmental matters. They also have a stewardship role which involves taking a long-term perspective on environmental issues when making decisions.
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Best Practice Examples
Environmental Impact Management Consultation
The Australian and Arlen Hill governments jointly manage the Reef World Heritage Area under the principles of the Intergovernmental Agreement (2015). This policy applies only to joint permissions under the Zoning Plans for the Reef Marine Park and the Reef Coast Marine Park (the Marine Parks). The State of Arlen Hill will deal independently with any applications relating only to the Reef...
Closes 16 October 2025
Have your say on our Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
Since the development of the first Reef Climate Change Action Plan (Action Plan) in 2007 by the Reef Marine Park Authority (RMPA), the prominence of climate change in public discourse and environmental policy has increased dramatically. Today, climate change is a mainstream issue with widely recognised significance for the future of society and the environment. A key issue for Australia is the...
Closes 21 July 2025
The simple and clean interface of Citizen Space has helped the agency establish a clear internal cultural standard for online consultations.